Interior Panel

Quality, low-e storm interior panels can be made by local window fabricators or ordered from national manufacturers specializing in high performance storm windows. Low-e interior panels are currently all glass. Non-glass interior panels are either acrylic or flexible film stretched tightly over a stiff frame. We list glass panels complying with this performance standard:

There are currently no industry standards for the performance or quality-of-manufacture for non-glass interior panels.

We also only list manufacturers that offer a 20-year warranty on glass panels; 5-year warranty on solid plastic (acrylic or polyolefin) panels and 3-year on flexible film panels.

Glass interior panels are typically installed by a contractor, but DIY storm windows are available. Acrylic or plastic interior panels are available as both DIY and contractor-installed.

Alphabetical List of Qualifying Glass Product Manufacturers:

- Larson Interior Window Panels

- Quanta Technologies

Alphabetical List of Qualifying Plastic Panel Product Manufacturers:

- IndowWindow

- Magnetite

Representative Trade Association:

- Window Covering Manufacturers Assocation (WCMA)